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Calisthenics Wolfsburg - Streetworkout Anlage



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    Chrixter img 4

    Gute Übungseinheiten möglich - aber kann auch zeitweise zu einem reinen Kinderspielplatz werden. Lenkt ab und Geräte sind zum Spielen besetzt... Vlt nochmal einige Spielplätze daneben bauen, damit man trainieren kann...

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    Stefan Christmann img 5

    Tolle ruhige Umgebung. Hat Spaß gemacht dort zu trainieren. Stangen sind beschichtet und ein bisschen rutschig, also unbedingt Chalk einpacken!

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    lzzz E img 5

    The first facility I trained on and so far the best! Everything you need and a great environment. The only negative point: especially when the weather is good, a lot of children, who always have it to climb on what you want to use. But if a child is particularly annoying, simply point out the sign to the parents with the note that this is not a playground and can only be used from 14.

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    Falk von Cederstolpe img 5

    I love the grounds and was there almost every day during the summer. The device selection is large enough to have nowhere to queue and train in parallel. On warm days or evenings there are often more experienced Calisthenics groups, of which I have found everyone nice and helpful. Often music is brought by somebody.

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    Jemima Koch img 5

    Super great facility that the city put there. Every muscle group can be trained and callisthenics lovers get their money's worth. The cooperation is also very cooperative among the trainees!