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Volkswagen Immobilien GmbH



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    Adrian Scheit img 4

    I was renting a room in (WG - wohngemeinschaft) in the past, and VW Immobilien was doing everything well in my opinion - they were answering my emails, not making problems on check out. I heard that it really depends on the person that is making you the check out. Sometimes people had very weird problems with it, where someone from VW Immobilien was making a problems because of almost zero dirt there... The problems were rather others flat mates - depends of course, because I think most people are nice, but often is such places people are smoking all the time and you will feel it, people will often listen to very loud music, people will not clean the flat common area - so usually you will have to do it alone for everyone, or someone will support it if you are lucky, because VW Immobilien does not care about such problems. But anyway, I think from VW Immobilien site everything was good - the prise is fair for the rooms their offers, internet and TV tax (even if I do not have TV and radio, I have to pay it always) is included what saves some problems. Half of the washing machines are broken, they are not repairing it very often, but this is rather fault of the people living there - that they are constantly mechanically breaking the washing machines then VW Immobilien.

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    Camillo 87 img 5


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    Shanan Kamlaskar img 5

    Nice staff.

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    Charita Divya img 4

    A good immobilien with reasonable price and all well organized ..clean well maintained apartment .but the internet speed is low other than that all good.. with good parking system. Well equipped kitchen and easily accessible by car and by buses

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    Amitabh Singh img 5

    Professional real state services you pay for the quality and you will get same